Trapence threatens to sue MBC over ‘gutter journalism’ on father abandonment stories

 Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) vice chairperson Gift Trapence’s family has told state controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) to apologise or face legal action for what they label  “scandalous reporting” on its stories which alleged the rights activist abandoned his sick father until he died on Tuesday.

 Trapence family demand an apology from MBC over scandalously reporting

A letter written by the family lawyer Wesley Mwafulirwa of Kawelo Lawyers which Nyasa Times has seen, the family through Patrick Trapence,  observes that media reports by MBC have been in a such way that has scandalised  the deceased as well as one of their sibling, Gift Trapence as being irresponsible person who did not take care of his father during his illness.

“Mr. Gift Trapence is a responsible human rights defender in the country working as vice chairperson for the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC).

“The story published by MBC on its website, radio, television as well as on social media has greatly affected his standing and reputation in the eyes of the right-thinking Malawians of the society,” says the letter in part.

The letter says contrary to what MBC has been publishing, the father to Gift was on, until his death, on medical facility which was being paid by Gift Trapence.

In addition, the letter says Gift Trapence strongly believes that MBC is being used by state machinery to fight him for his human rights work.

“Apart from this act being against international guidelines on protection of human rights defenders, our clients believe that the departed soul of the late Harrison Trapence should be allowed to rest in peace without being dragged into political mud,” says the letter in part.

The letter therefore tells MBC to apologise to Gift Trapence within two days or face court action.

The family further demands that the late Harrison Trapence should be allowed to rest in peace without being dragged into political mud as they feel that the family  believe this is degrading on the soul of the departed and it is very un Malawian.

The family further notied MBC that if the demand is not adhered to, they will pursue a civil matter before the High court of Malawi against the institution and if need be, any specific officers at MBC where they shall seek legal recourse.

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5 years ago

Nyumba ija amayiwonesa a MBC inu a TRAPENZ mukukana kuti inali ya Bambo anu? Imaoneka kuti ndiyonera kukhalamo Bambo anu? Abambo inu ndinu otani kodi? kumenyera ufulu wa anthu, ufulu wa abambo ulichikhalire. a Tranpenz umboni wanu KU KHOTI wukakhale content ya nkhani imene adaulutsa a MBC tikaone ngati a MBC amanama. Chauta aliko ku mwamba akukuonani

Jakison Laanje
Jakison Laanje
5 years ago

MBC pepesani basi. Mukulemba bwanji ngati afawo ndi bambo anu. Anakuitanani kumaliro. Kumaona ngani zolemba. Musiileni mwana maliro akewo. Si anu.

5 years ago

MBC has shown us many people lacking help and people have come in to assist them. Nothing wrong. Infact I was intending to travel to chikwawa to assist this late father when I saw him suffering like that . It is when I learnt that ndi bambo wake wa Trapence but though still I was ready to come in and give little help . Unfortunately God has taken him before my journey. Koma zoonadi a Gift Trapence matama onse pa LL’s kukanika kugulira bambo anu trousers ndi shirts zabwino? Pogona paleo ngati pa masa a Mbewe? Zoona kumakwera Ranger pa… Read more »

5 years ago

Gift Trapence is another idiot on this earth he expected his father was mad on the issue why didn’t he respond after the interview with MBC he was waiting for the death to occur even the general appearance of the father himself no need to be emphasized to a normal human being that he lacked care and support from the family.

joseph Banda
joseph Banda
5 years ago

Trampence, Nkhani ya Malemu Bambo wako idayamba pa MBC almost a month ago. This is not the first time that this radio exposes those in need. If the radio was saying untruth why did you not dispute the issue then? MBC has the interview with your late father crying for your help and you did not bother to pick it up and help him. Your busy making money, using the poor people in the name of demos. I think you are sick. You pose in a suit while your father is dead and not even buried. What a pity!!!

5 years ago


Jakison Laanje
Jakison Laanje
5 years ago
Reply to  TOSH

Its not. Could you do the same if it were your father? I guess not. Tosh, you seem to be a reasonable person. Am I wrong?

5 years ago

Its true that this man did abandon his father, MBC was not lying on that. Infact its an offence to abandon your Parents and Children and pose as if you are a human rights defender. How can you defend other people when your own Father was terminally sick without you taking him for better cancer treatment.

5 years ago

Koma mmene amawonekela bambo aja pa video ija mkumati ali ndi mwana wooneka chonchi zomvetsa chisoni ndithu A Gift lapani kuti Mulungu akukhululukileni abambo anu afa mphawi weniweni ngati alibe mwana wochita bwino womakwanitsa kumenyela ufulu wa a Chakwera ndi a Chilima anthu olemela.Charity begins at home.

Ntambo: Ndilibe nanu mawu
Ntambo: Ndilibe nanu mawu
5 years ago

Huh…wa homo Trapence is the one dragging the issue in mud and desiring to to earn money over the death of his father. Why look for compensation over the alleged reports of his lack of care until the death of the old man? You will be haunted for the rest of your miserable life.

The Looting President
The Looting President
5 years ago

This country will do better without idiots like you. Ask yourself, if you die today, how many people will miss you. Compare that to the impact Trapence has on the Malawi society.

Jakison Laanje
Jakison Laanje
5 years ago

Wautsitu iwe. Missing Trapence? mwadya chani man?

5 years ago

Impact of Trapence on the society – my foot! Does this reflect your imbecile brains?

5 years ago


Jason Bailer
Jason Bailer
5 years ago
Reply to  Samuel

Is that not evidence enough, or MBC is making up stories to lure listeners? Those are the questions Masamba should be asking himself.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jason Bailer

Africa fails to develop very well because of such stupid minds of MBC,instead of doing your own silly broadcasting you involve yourself in someones family issue.Did you father the Trapence family?very Pathetic Africa more especially Malawi where even media goes into family matters.Thats why azungu they throw bones to us to scramble on and kill each other.MXXXXXXIIIII Rubish.

Glass 1
Glass 1
5 years ago
Reply to  Mangwiro

Does MBC have director? can this be a news to air? eish there are alot of good stories to air out ,i.e foot ball development,sciences ,youth development,new road contractions,new farmimg skills,new technology of money transfers,climate change and Many more we have a magnificent road construction at area 18 progress why not these things,MBC eish.

Jakison Laanje
Jakison Laanje
5 years ago
Reply to  Glass 1

nonse ozunza makolo muululika. MBC does these programs. Mulibe TV? Only complaining because its your father.

Manyazi akugwireni a TRAPENZ
Manyazi akugwireni a TRAPENZ
5 years ago
Reply to  Glass 1

Glass1, why not airing such a news?

5 years ago
Reply to  Glass 1

What did you expect from people like Sumbuleta ?

Jakison Laanje
Jakison Laanje
5 years ago
Reply to  Mangwiro

Which Africa are you talking about? Kusaenda eti?

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