Two fined for registering twice in Malawi voters roll
The Nkukula Magistrate’s Court in Lilongwe on Thursday fined two women K10 000 (about $25) each for registering twice during the voter registration exercise.
Kanengo Police spokesperson Ester Nkwanda identified the women as Falesi Njewa, 20, and Msadalira Baloni, 18, both from Traditional Authority Chimutu.
She said on November 14, the two registered for the second time at Kanthongo Centre by changing their first names with Failesi registering as Agnes Njewa while Msadalira registered as Tsala Baloni.
“The two have been asked to pay K10 000 each on the basis that they both have babies,”she said.

The two told the court that they registered twice because they wanted to have two voter passports incase one went missing.
The convicts were still in custody at Kanengo Police on Thursday as they had not yet raised the money ordered by the court.
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