UDF’s Ndanga taunts UTM as ‘tiny party’ with 4 MPs

United Democratic Front (UDF) spokesman Ken Ndanga on Sunday took political banter to the mass rally for the alliance for UDF and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre when he taunted  UTM Party of vice-president Saulos Chilima as a tiny party with only four members of parliament.

Ndanga: UTM tiny party with 4 MPs

UTM has four legislators in the House while Malawi Congress Party (MCP) is the main opposition party with over 50 MPs, DPP the governing party, while the UDF has 10 representatives.

In his political banter, Ndanga, who was co-director of ceremonie,  said in apparent counter to Chilima’s  style of  using  proverb as he matched him from  being witty and humorous orator, saying “Ndiwine, ndiwine anabwelako ndi ma MP 4”.

In parliament, UTM with four MPs  in the 193-member National Assembly  is not given slot to make  official response to the national budget statement or State of the Nation Address, according to Standing Order 190(1)(d),

While UDF is allowed to make formal statements.

UDF came to power in 1994 after defeating Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in 1994. It swept seats in the Southern Region and most seats in the Central Region.

During the 1999 elections, UDF won 91 seats, but the figures continued to drop in the subsequent elections when it won 49 seats in 2004 and 16 in 2009.

UTM was formed as a breakaway movement form DPP  when it  started with former first lady Callista Mutharika’s leaked WhatsApp message in April 2018 when she said Chilima would be a better candidate to lead the DPP in the May 21 2019 Tripartite Elections.

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4 years ago

A Ken you guys are myopic, mwakwera yakupwa, you are making noise. UDF 1999 won 91 MP seats, 2019 9 seats. You cant see where your trajectory points downward.

Citizen Number 1
Citizen Number 1
4 years ago

Akudalira ma Israeli atatu abwera aja popeza rigging is in their blood stream! UDF used as a condom!

4 years ago


4 years ago

From 4 MPs, UTM is going to get ZERO.

4 years ago

Indeed, Chilima is all noise but no substance.

4 years ago

Ndanga is right. Kunena kwa ndithendithe Nanthambwe anabwerako chabe.

Chipiliro Wandale
Chipiliro Wandale
4 years ago

UDF is a big party with 10 MPs after being in power for 10 years. In the last elections it was given a bloody nose by DPP. In the coming election DPP is interested in using UDF to appeal to those remnant tribal votes from Yawo belt., otherwise UDF in a spent force.

4 years ago

Nawenso ndanga iwe……………………!! Don’t you know ndanga that determination of the winner in the upcoming fresh elections will be based on number of voters NOT number of MPs? Have you forgotten that Chilima got 1,018,369 votes (35.41%) against Atupele’s 235,164 votes (4.67%) during the disputed May 21, presidential election? ndanga, your worry currently needs to be the fact that while: DPP + UDF may have an equivalent of = 1,940,709 + 235,164 = 2,175,873 votes; on the other hand MCP + UTM may have an equivalent of = 1,781,740 + 1,018,369 = 2,800,109 votes.Nde nambela yayikulu ndi chani 2,175,873 against… Read more »

4 years ago

The idiocy of DPP now permeating the UDF ranks. Wait and see who will have the last laugh.

4 years ago

UTM got 20% of the National vote, could have been more were it not for rigging, while UDF got only 0.2% despite having been on the scene since 1994.

Please tell me which is a tiny party?

4 years ago
Reply to  Mtete

Good point.

The selective logic of Ndaga. He seems to not have attended any basic Maths class.

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