UK based charitable organization donate surgical instruments to QECH

In an effort aimed at improving operations in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) department, a UK-based charitable organization, Thandizo, in conjunction with Pashelo Trust, have made a donation of surgical instruments amounting to K200 million to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre.
Speaking during the official hand-over ceremony of the medical items which includes;  needle holders, scissors hemostats, dressing forceps, and tissue forceps,  Executive Director of Pachelo Charitable Trust, Lloyd Malola disclosed that they sought help from friends in UK after understanding the challenges that have been affecting most of the health systems in the country including QECH.
“We understand the challenges the health system faces and we are very hopeful that through these equipments things will improve especially in the ICU’s in all the facilities being targeted to get the support which include, Kamuzu Central, Ngabu, Chikwawa and Nsanje as well as Zomba Central hospitals,” said Malola.
He however emphasized that,they will continue to engage different organisation to help in alleviating the challenges that the health systems in the country are facing.
Dr. Leonard Chafewa, a senior doctor at QECH, thanked the two organisations for the kind gesture which he acknowledged that will play a huge part in helping the hospital to start conducting many operations with the availability of the equipments compared to the previous period.
“This is a huge donation because for along time we have failing to get enough resources to purchase and this made us to struggle when it comes to conducting operations, so this is a very timely support,” said Chafewa.

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