Undule: Spare Bushiri he is just a messenger
I have been following up social media debate on the ‘Man of God’ Major 1 Prophet Sherpard Bushiri for the past weeks. And my simple analysis on most of the views, accusations and attacks against him makes me conclude that Bushiri is just a victim of the usual Malawi evil spirit of jealousy, envy, don’t shine over me, he is just a victim of spiritual and material failure of the enemies of the Body of Christ.
![Bushiri being interviewd by international media in Mzuzu](https://www.nyasatimes.com/wp-content/plugins/lazy-load/images/1x1.trans.gif)
What is interesting in regard to the accusations is labelling him a fake Prophet for performing few unfavourably miracles according to them.
Listen am not trying to verify him whether he is fake or not but what is confusing to me is if we are saying he is fake then show one who is a true Man of God. We can’t just make noise that his miracles are fake, then bring us then genuine one then? But just to label him fake is not convincing to some of us.
In Mark 6:1-5 Jesus experienced the same denial even after performing many miracles during his Ministry. The Pharisees always doubted him, asking where did he get all these powers to perform miracles, is he not the carpenters son, son of Mary and brother to James. With all what Jesus was doing still they doubted. And Jesus always reminded them “Prophets are respected everywhere expect in their own home town and by their relatives and their family. “
The anointing of healing, deliverances or miracles is an issue between God and the one he has anointed. I will not question God why He anointed Prophet Bushiri to do wonders or Pastor Elijah Chisiza to heal the sick, why I will not, is because “God is God, Let Him be God”
The other question is why we are so noisy about these miracles yet Jesus Christ already said we will do more greater things than Him.
In John 14:12 the Scriptures says “I am telling you the truth those who believe in me will do what I do, yes they will do even greater things because I am going to the Father.”If Jesus left us with these powers why is our faith failing us not believe we can do mighty things more than what Jesus did?
I will not dispute about GODs miracles because I am the testimony of His healing, His glory, His favor. This year I would have been two years in my grave and in hell. Thank God for His touch upon my life.
God should just help our nation to move away from our traditional christianity of kneeling before idols or commit to rules. It is time for massive contemporary christianity of demonstrating Gods power through healing, deliverances and miracles.
People have so many problems and challenges, their lives are in a bondage, many people are walking corpses, with thier heads upside down and the only weapon is spiritual connection to Jesus Christ and not our religious rituals.
Glory be to God, lets us respect and honour His Servants.A so claimed God fearing nation can do better than this.
‘Major 1’can go deeper even, it’s not a crime !
- Undule Mwakasungula, the former director of Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and now a human rights columnist on Nyasa Times
Hunger, disease, envy!
I have no doubts to sincerely believe that Undule is now a confused and desperate looser.He started very well in his human rights crusade.He dropped the crusade,because he could not achieve what he forethought in political trend.He then became a born- again Christian defending sodomy,the most sinful crime that God swiftly acted to punish the perpetrators once and for all.It is therefore unbelievable to see that the same born again Undule would expressly condone the self- styled Prophet whose desires are stringently driven by greed and opportunism and hence,the brutal exploitation of the wretched masses of our people.The critics of… Read more »
find something to write guys,there z hunger in Malawi,no madicine in our hospitals,poverty.we’re busy discusing useless things. Clive in cape town says “GET LIFE AND START LIVING”
Now I understand why there is a saying kuti ‘religion is the opium of the masses’ I mean when you have people we used to think are intelligent like Undule give such a weak analysis.. Then you know that religion can hinder any rationale thinking.. !! The only viable debate on Bushiri is to say.. Let him do his thing.. If don’t believe in him, no need to waste your energy castigating him simply mind your own business.. You will just fasten your journey to the grave by stressing about the young successful man.. Do your thing and let him… Read more »
You have said it all Mr undule..
The devil always tries to attack that which brings in light to the nation.
We believe Papa is a true servant of God ,no matter what it matter and how much it mater we will still good him as he follows Christ
We will know we have an effective system of education when our people do not waste their time and money listening to- and supporting – glib fraudsters. Meanwhile, make hay while the sun shines you self-serving deceivers. It seems that there is still an untrained brain sheltering under every tobacco leaf.
Let sleeping dogs ly
Mr Undule, thanks for your comment however I am also trying to correct your assentions here that he is just a messenger of GOD” Malawi has many leaders I mean spiritual leaders but of different faiths, people examine every man of God with his fruits, lifestyle, and maturity in handling success, how Bushiri is displaying himself, his success, and maturity leaves alot to be desired whether it comes from God or darkness. Men of God in Malawi myself included, accepted him as a Prophet, but we had to make descenment Bible says this in 1John1:1; have read this verse Mr… Read more »
Don’t give-up man of God, most people are still sleeping. They will later on open their eyes when time has already gone. They will realise when everybody is before our Almighty God where cries will be heard from all directions. Thank God for giving us one of the Major Prophets where jealousy has conquered most of the Nyasas.
I am still waiting for one PROPHECY that God will vindicate from honorable Bushiri … just waiting.. no judgment.