UTM pushes Govt for more effort in tracking the plane: Wonders why transponder not working

Visibly sad and distressed, UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati wants government to exert more effort in tracking, wondering why the transponder is not working to have the plane traced.

Kaliati at the press briefing Tuesday morning

At a press conference held this morning, Kaliati began by commending efforts made by government so far however she expressed unhappiness with the delays in starting the search on Monday.

She also wondered why the party has not been getting any updates from government but has only been getting updates from the public domain, which is worrisome to them.

“As a party, we were not officially communicated on the missing plane but heard from matter from our Mzuzu party supporters,” he said.

However, Kaliati has since urged UTM supporters to stay calm during this trying time.

On his part, UTM spokesperson Felix Njawala disclosed that the party has extended the search of the missing plane carrying Vice- President and others to districts such as Kasungu and Mchinji.

He also indicated that the party has managed to be assisted with a helicopter and drones.

UTM veep Michael Usi and UDF member, Atupele Muluzi, also attended the press briefing.



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