UTM spokesperson Njawala advise youth to register in numbers and vote

UTM publicity secretary Felix Njawala has urged the youth in the country to register in large numbers when voter registration starts so that they can participate in the coming elections.

Njawala addressing youths

Njawala said this at the candle light ceremony in Blantyre’s Ndirande Township, also attended by other politicians including UDF’s Atupele Muluzi, legislators Ishmael Mkumba and Chipiliro Mpinganjira.

“If you want to see change, then make sure you register to vote,” he said.

Muluzi, in his words stressed the need for young people to keep the fire that was ignited until Malawi sees the change it needs.

He said: “I have come to support this course, as you, know we also lost our mother in the tragedy.

“We lost important people, let us continue to honour them by following their vision.”

UTM continues to hold memorial candle light events across the country for late Saulos Chilima, who was their leader, and also for the others who died with him in the plane crash on June 10 2024.

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