UTM will give no excuses like others, says Usi

UTM Party vice president and presidential running mate, Dr Michael Usi has said they will not give excuses for poor performance once elected into power on 21st May 2109.

Usi: UTM is geared to deliver
Kaliati speaking to the crowds
Crowds as USI addresses UTM whistle-stop meetings in Blantyre

Usi spoke on Monday during Imbizos and a political rally at Manyowe in Blantyre.

“Previous governments have all been giving excuses that they could not implement some programs because they found national coffers empty. Not with us in UTM, we know that the coffers are already empty and we know the people who have emptied these coffers.”

“So we will not be giving excuses that we can not develop the country because we inherited empty coffers, we are already working on alternatives to ensure funds availability for all the projects and programs we are promising should be implemented while those who emptied the coffers give back what they stole,” said Usi.

Usi also condemned the killing of people with albinism and lack of proper security to prevent these killings by the government.

“Every life is precious and people with albinism are human beings just like us, it is therefore the duty of government to provide security to every citizen including people with albinism,” Usi said.

In her remarks, UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati urged people of the area to vote for UTM and Chilima in the May elections saying its only the combination of  Chilima and Usi which can bring about change that this country is desperately in need of.

She said the two are true Malawians who were born in this country, did their education here and developed their careers right here with a good track record of excellent performance throughout their careers.

“Dr Chilima and Dr Usi truly understand Malawians problem and are ready to provide practical solutions. Just give them your vote in May,” said Kaliati.

During the Imbizos which saw Usi and his team visiting Chilomoni and other parts before the main rally at Manyowe, there was huge crowds in all the stops they made.

Usi was accompanied by senior UTM party gurus who included Kaliati, UTM Patron Noel Masangwi, UTM presidential campaign chairman Felix Njawala, UTM executive member Newton Kambala and UTM regional governor for the south Steve Mikaya and other party officials.

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6 years ago

Inu Chilima ngati Amavuta A li vice president kumabweza anthu atchito ku ma meeting nanga akazatenga mboma azaposa Kamuzu Banda. Chilima ndi wakhaza zothelatu munthu ku chokela ku chitipa atafika ku meeting Ku mangochi anabweza . Ma member munthu ngati akuvuta a li Phuzitsi nanga atakhala Headmaster mu zava pheni ,mozasova

MMalawi weniweni
MMalawi weniweni
6 years ago
Reply to  Musova

This is one of the reasons why Africans are still poor, kuganiza mwaumbuli too much, they don’t differentiate between professionalism and masanje. My friend Musova, in UK coming late for a meeting is a good reason for resignation…Kuganiza mwa upumbwa basi

6 years ago

Mr Manganya, do you know that you are just dreaming to become the vice president of this country?

che nnungu
6 years ago

Useless thieves. You were in DPP government giving the same excuses pano mufuna kutinamiza? Mbava zokhazokha

Jigidi Jaba
Jigidi Jaba
6 years ago
Reply to  che nnungu

Kumva Pheeiinii

concerned citizen
concerned citizen
6 years ago

chilima moto kuti Buuuuuu!!!!

6 years ago

Yeah for real Chilima is already giving excuses.NKHUKU SASINTHA NTHENGA KOMA TAMBALA.ALL WE WANT IS MCP if what Chilima said is to go by.

Thyolo Thava boy
6 years ago

Moto kuti buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

6 years ago

As someone said the other day, empty coffers implies certain services such as MRA, ESCOM, Filling stations and several other income generating institutions stopped working. So, yes Manganya, no excuses when you get into power, if MCP doesn’t beat you to it.

6 years ago

kachipani koluza aka

Jigidi Jaba
Jigidi Jaba
6 years ago
Reply to  kond1

Kumva Pheeiinii

Pepa Betha
6 years ago

Please buy your graveyards ahead of time or seek asylum tikunyenyani. Tiyambiletu kulandilala za chipepeso.
What people know is either mcp or dpp will win. Usi go back to Tikuferanji. Zoona Tikuferanji ku UTM

6 years ago
Reply to  Pepa Betha

‘tikuferanji ku UTM’ kkkkkkkkkkk

Jigidi Jaba
Jigidi Jaba
6 years ago
Reply to  Pepa Betha

Kumva Pheeiinii

Koto koto
6 years ago

Tionana pa 21 may mbuzi inu

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