Vice Chancellor urges academicians to publish books
Vice chancellor of the University of Malawi John Kalenga Saka on Friday urged local academicians to develop interest in publishing books so as to mitigate the inadequate of teaching and learning materials facing the univervesities in the country.

Saka urged the academicians in Zomba during the launch of the “Phonology of Chichewa “book that has been co-authored by the renowned linguistic and lecturer at Chancellor College professor Al Mtenje and Professor Laura Downing.
He said it was sad that many academicians in the country seem not to have interest in publishing academic books, a situation which he said contribute to the low levels of reading and learning culture.
“There must be no excuse, every serious academician should publish books to boost the reading and learning culture in the country,” he said
The vice chancellor added “Reputation of every university is reflected on various aspects and one of this is research and publishing books. Therefore, this book will be an eye opener to those has interest to publish and also bridge the gaps in language in order to contribute to the communication and developments of the country.”
In his preview, professor Mtenje, who is also the pro-vice chancellor of the University of Malawi, said he was impressed to have published his first book after twenty years of dreaming about it.
“My family and friends have been asking me to publish a book in Chichewa for the past twenty years. So this is now their answer” said the Chichewa expert.
He said the book offers a comprehensive analysis on key issues on Bantu languages including those in Malawi like Chichewa, adding that the book was very special in that it adds value to the Malawi and African languages.
“There has been a lot of books written in Chichewa in Malawi, but this one is different because it balances between theory and description in order to carter for the interests of both theoretical linguists and those who are more inclined towards African linguistics, especially the area of Bantu languages of which Chichewa belongs,” said Mtenje.
Professor Laura Downing, who was in abstentia, is a renowned researcher in African linguistics at the University of Gotherberg in Sweden.
According to him, it took them two years {2015-2016} to write the book, which he said will only be downloaded from the computer.
According to the dean of faculty of humanities Japhet Bakuwa, the book was the fourth to be launched by the university this year alone.
He thanked the authors for publishing the book at one of the reputable publishers in the world “Oxford press”, which he said has shown the books relevancy
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If the Vice Chancellor has nothing to say,he better shutup.Afterall,where are these academicians? Do they have time to write books amidst the country’s economic train-wreck,political instability and corrupt officials in every sector of the national government.Where would these academicians get time to write these books while at the sametime,struggle to find food and other necessities for their families.? It seems to me therefore that,the Chancellor’s brains have reached a point of no return in the sense that,he has no other alternative to advise his overworked fellow academicians.In fact what would they write in a disorganised society where things remain sluggish?… Read more »
sizilizonse zofunika kupanga nao, komanso zolemba zinakwana
Acadecians in Malawi are interested in politics. Good to see there are a few that are able to publish.
Congratulations Prof Al Mtenje. You have always been my inspiration. I enjoyed your lectures back then…