Ways to Market Your Business You Perhaps Hadn’t Thought Of

There are a lot of ways to market your business online, with new theories appearing every day. As the internet develops and evolves, so too must marketing. Changes in technology, world events, user habits and more can all affect marketing and it makes sense to keep up with the results of those changes so you can adapt your marketing accordingly.

So, with that in mind, we’re breaking down the different ways you can market your business that you perhaps have overlooked?

Virtual industry events

Industry events are a great way to get ahead with your business. Not only are they an opportunity to network and get your name known by shaking a lot of hands, but you can gain a lot of insight from talking to your peers, listening to speeches, and engaging with workshops and activities.

These events are already a good way to get your name known, so imagine the result if you were the one hosting the event. From the minute the invites land to the post-conference chats about “How it went” will feature your name.

And today, that doesn’t have to be such a grand or costly affair. There is a rising trend of virtual industry events taking over the globe. Between the fact that we’re all migrating more onto the web, the rise of digital nomads, businesses expanding internationally and more, there is more incentive than ever to simply stay at home and log in to attend one of these events.


These more niche communities have resulted in an interesting upgrade in influencers: the micro-influencer.

Users aren’t listening to bigger influencers as much anymore, finding them to be disingenuous and willing to shill anything regardless of merit. That’s where micro-influencers come in.

Micro-influencers are likely to have a smaller following, but a far more dedicated one. They are a result of communities forming on different social media platforms, around different niches. A micro-influencer might be big on the poker or roulette playing scene on TikTok or flower arranging on Pinterest.

Their followers are likely to be like them, finding something in common through a passion or hobby and the algorithm showing them more of it. This makes them far more loyal and susceptible to marketing, as they think “If it’s good enough for them, then it’s good enough for me”.

Alternative social media platforms

There was once upon a time that marketing was limited to simply posting on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and calling it a day, but those days are changing.

There are a lot of diverse communities spread across various social media platforms on the internet. They each have their own developed audiences who like different things and go to their chosen platform to get more of it. Consider creating content for the likes of Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit, Tumblr, AO3, TikTok, etc. There are a lot of audiences being missed due to a one-size fits all approach to marketing.

To take it a step farther, if your business could gain from it, consider creating marketing content for platforms and applications that are bigger overseas, like Weibo which has a large Chinese and Japanese following.

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