WhatsApp group called Chembera donates to health centre in Balaka

WhatsApp group, Chembera Group today donated two wheelchairs to Mbera Health Centre in Balaka following a request from the health center.

Jomo (r) officially handing over the wheel chairs to Kunimba

Speaking after donating the wheelchairs chairperson of the group Frank Jomo said as sons and daughters from Mbera felt duty bound to donate the wheelchair because ever since the hospital was opened it has had no wheelchair to ease mobility of patients.

“This is the community that has raises us and when we were asked to help them with a wheelchair we felt duty bound to do that. This is the first time Mbera Health Centre has a wheelchair. We are a WhatsApp group comprising of sons and daughters of Mbera and our wish is to help in the socioeconomic development of our area,” said Jomo.

A medical assistant at the centre Gift Kunimba thanked the group for coming to the rescue of the centre. He said patients were being carried on the guardians back when coming out of ambulances or even within the walls of the health centre.

“We are humbled by this gesture. Without a wheelchair this health centre was incomplete and caused great inconvenience to patients. We will take good care of this donation because we don’t what to disappoint the donors,” said Kunimba.

This is the second time the group has donated at the health centre. On January 1 they also donated assorted items to the hospitals as well as groceries to patients.

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6 years ago

There is strength in oneness… yes together we can solve some issues affecting our communities

Mwinithengo Azidya Papakulu
Mwinithengo Azidya Papakulu
6 years ago

This is amazing news.We share alittle and great change for our society we live in.
Keep it up colleagues.

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