Where there is looting, there is a Chanco graduate: What are you teaching?

There is a good reason why University of Malawi’s Chancellor College (Chanco)  is also known as the college that God loves the most.

Kasambara (right) and Mphwiyo: All are products of Chanco

It is called so because, being a center of liberal arts, much of what is taught there centers on moulding a human resource that should responsibly, efficiently and effectively manage affairs of the public.

In fact, there is no model of responsibility, efficiency and effectiveness than the values that God left us with both in the Holy Quran and Holy Bible.

In creating the nation of Malawi, God knew we would need responsible people to lead and manage our public affairs; as such, He whispered wisdom to our founding fathers in the 1960s to come up with Chanco—a place where values of leadership and management are inculcated in the learners.

This is why it is at Chanco where professional teachers are molded to help build an upright generation that is responsibly educated.

That is why it is Chanco where social sciences—economics, sociology and psychology—are taught to help mold people that will develop and execute economic policies that respond to the need needs of our society.

That is why it is at Chanco where humanities—such as literature, philosophy, theology, etc.—are at taught to build people that will lead in processes of defining and preserving our culture to ensure we are a nation of purpose and direction.

This is why it is at Chanco where public administration and political science are taught with a prime goal to build responsible leaders to run our institutions both in public and private.

That is why it is at Chanco where law is taught by giants such as Professor Edge Kanyongolo to help mold a human resource that will stand up and defend the rights of the people and ensure that justice is not just done but also seen to be done.

But look, Professor Kanyongolo, the monsters that, lately, you have been producing at the Chanco—the college you and God loves the most?

Truth be told, the past decade has seen Malawians sunk deep into absolute poverty, all because of failed leadership that, evidently, run the nation by ransacking every coin in the public purse.

What’s shocking is that at every point of revelation regarding the loot of public resources, there is always a flurry of Chanco graduates either being on the frontlines of looting or collaborating with those who were looting.

Just look at the list of those that have been arrested, accused or allegedly involved in large scale looting of public resources.

Look at Ralph Kasambara, Paul Mphwiyo, Collins Magalasi, you name them.

And there are those that, using their higher offices, did everything to let Malawians down.

Think of the Bright Molande as chief advisor to Peter Mutharika; Lloyd Muhara as Chief Secretary to government; Sudi Sulaimana of coup-plots; you name them.

I have only picked a few. But if we were to do an audit regarding people who loot  public resources, even in non-governmental organizations, graduates from Chanco will always top the list.

What is wrong with the education that the professor are inculcating into the brains of these students?

Malawians are betrayed by Chanco. They are beginning to feel that the entire graduate thing is underrated as it is not helping build a better Malawi.

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4 years ago

Khalidye mumaliwona kuti ndilosokonekera kuyambira kuka campus kwawo komwe -kunyera mumakolido, kuba ma battery amagalimoto, kuphwa magalito a eni ake akuti ndi aku Oxford yaku Malawi. Students and Lecturers are all fucked up. Ena ndi amene akubwebweta muma facebook mu. I wonder why majority still trust these Chanco people. Jesus! Corporates take great risk when hiring these animals. And I hear some fools saying oh all judges are a product of Chanco – Yeah right. Well thats what happens when you have one law school in a country and the same law school make sure that other universities do not… Read more »

4 years ago

It has nothing to do with Chanco per-se, it is devoid of ethics and being full of greed. Malawi has been suffering from this disease since the advent of Multiparty democracy in 1994. We could see people shaving their heads, eating a whole linunda la ng’ombe lootcha alone, growing pot berries, drinking canned beer (Olsons, Castle Lager etc) all the while in the not so past, we were sharing a packet of opaque beer once a month after receiving our meagre but powerful salaries. All this was done without justification for the extra income….ndiye pano yasanduka cancer because ma politicians… Read more »

4 years ago

These people left Chanco well trained and ready for the jobs. However, the problem is within themselves. They are all “professionals” but lack ethics. That is sad because without ethics you are an empty shell.

Stanley Mdala
Stanley Mdala
4 years ago

This is a true and well researched article. The named mentioned above are examples of bad apples of top civil service and private sector personnel who have found themselves in financial scandals.
But everyone must be judged individually.
Those found guilty should be jailed just like anyone found stealing government funds or.property. 8

4 years ago

It’s not all Chanco graduates who loot, but the two pictured on this article are Idiots!

Bob Finyeol9
Bob Finyeol9
4 years ago

Why attribute that to Prof. Kanyongolo. He teaches Law, and not all those you have mentioned are lawyers. Some of the educated thieves have not even been to CHANCO. You must be extremely stupid.

Steven Kauda
Steven Kauda
4 years ago

Iwe ase…. Man is selfish and education has nothing to change that….

People steal because of their self interests… We learn and practice principles of good governance, responsible citizenship..

You’re making conclusions that are invalid….

If u want to see the bright side, Consider the political state of Malawi today.. we are the only hope for Malawi ….

You’re president now is from chanco…. The past leaders weren’t and gave no hope as much as is today

4 years ago

Nkhani is not CHANCO, it us as Malawians. Since departure of Kamuzu Banda anthu mantha pa zinthu zaboma anatha. Kale munthu akagwidwa ataba or kuononga chinthu chaboma chances were very high he could not find any other formal employment in this country. Pano it is a syndicate from top to least bottom aliyense angopakula mbali yake. Same audit findings year in year out no commitment for reprimands. Now that we have new government it is my prayer that we reset this country towards initial status of respecting and fearing public resources.

Mphatso M
Mphatso M
4 years ago

You have taken words out of my mouth. Over the years, l have been thinking a lot, and mainly out of the box. I do understand that education is the modification of our behaviour. After asking myself so many questions, l came to conclude that all the education, whether in universities or colleges, is in fact by-products of another person’s thoughts. Someone actually sat down to draft, formulate, and compile all that we are taught. It is all pre planned, and it’s attached intention is to capture our minds. In my opinion, education is somewhat a continuation of slavery. They… Read more »

Steven Kaunda
Steven Kaunda
4 years ago
Reply to  Mphatso M

Well, the main argument of looting is self interests… It has nothing to do with education ..in fact He assumes chanco trains us in looting

4 years ago

At first I didn’t want to join the discussion for obvious reasons. I feel even though there is some elements of truth going by examples you listed; the generalization has been too much and without reason or mercy. What can you say about Chilima and Chakwera whom we have entrusted with draining the swamp? We have very good, hardworking graduates from Chanco that go around as unsung heroes of the nation. These are the guys together with graduates from other institutions are making some of the things move in the country. Of course I know you withdrew on academic grounds… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Mswachi

Koma ndiye, talk of doctors, the 5 constitutional judges, .good lawyers, administrators. The list is endless. Why focus on few rotten bananas when most of them are edible?

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