Wilkins Mijiga: Malawi must embrace national ID registration process without gluttony
The national identification registration process currently underway in our country is a great initiative that is poised to game-change a lot of things in our country, the Warm Heart of Africa but we need to pull up our socks.

But the registration process also has a downside risk if not properly and carefully managed and the biggest risk we face is registering ALIENS either through porousness of the processes (which I am told by those that have gone through the process, is thorough and tightly well thought out) or via the stupid greed of some Malawians (who will be aiding and abetting Aliens to become Malawians illegally and so easily) who will stop at nothing to beat the system (as any system is as tight as long as there are no insiders giving the keys away)
So, the plea we must evoke and make to all patriotic citizens in our supposedly God-fearing is; Let us all be extra vigilant against thugs and gluttons seeking to abuse the process for the love of money.
As a God-fearing country, as we believe ourselves to be, we need to embrace the identification registration process and without being gluttonous and greed for money for will end up selling the only precious thing we own as citizens, our beautiful and nature-endowed bountiful country, the warm heart of Africa, Malawi.
We must remember that we owe it to posterity to have a robust and foolproof national registration system, and as a country, we need to ensure that the integrity of the National Registration process is safeguarded by ensuring that only bonafide Malawians are registered.
We all have a duty to protect the integrity of Malawi (which unfortunately some greedy citizens have sold on the cheap without understanding the long term repercussions to the future of our children and theirs)
Therefore, the moral question we should each be asking our own selves is; “What kind of Malawi do I want my children and their children’s children to live in?”
Please let’s not allow the marauding thugs and unpatriotic elements sell our beautiful country on the CHEAP and as they say, “we did not inherit our land from our ancestors; we borrowed it from our children.”
Let us all do our utmost best to protect the integrity of the National Registration process by being our brothers/sisters’ keepers and ultimately look after our country with best interests at heart. To do this, we need to be united for a common purpose.
I wish our religious leaders had this as part of their preaching in their various prayer houses but as prayers houses, these days are more interested in tithes and collections than preaching the gospel it is unlikely they would want to take that route which will freeze the aid from the faith fools.
Religious leaders, especially these contemporary preachers do not tell the people the truth; they just tell them what they want to hear kuopa kuchepetsa chopeleka from Aliens.
The time is now to stand up for what is right and make right choices for our country. Let us make this registration process as clean as a hound’s tooth.
God bless Malawi!
- The author, Wilkins Mijiga, is a Banking Marketer and a social commentator based in Malawi’s commercial city, Blantyre and is writing in his personal capacity.