Wonder cure herb now available in 12 new branches: Imbiza Multi purpose herb
Imbiza Multi purpose herb, which is claimed to be with multiple benefits including helping on HIV/AIDS, according to the herb’s Production Manager Wonderful Mpombeza, has established itself as a force to reckon with in the country as 12 new branches have been opened in different districts.

Mphombeza said the new braches include Samol Mix Shop at Kamuzu Road in Salima district and Mpatanji Stationery Shop and Masamba Shop in Nkhotakota district.
Other branches are in Kasungu, Mangochi, Mchinji, Zomba and Ntcheu diatricts.
“This signifies that people have receives our herbs and they are doing wonders. There people who are even ready for their testimony on the same,” said Mpombeza in an exclusive interview with Nyasa Times.
He said the herb helps in fighting the diseases on a natural way.
Among other diseases, he said Imbiza Herb also cures cancer, stroke, ulcers, diabetes, liver problems, high level blood pressure, heart related problems and kidney failure.
“This is very different from the herbs which have floor the country’s markets because a patient is assured of 100 percent positive results,” he said adding that the herb has no side effects.
Mpombeza said his discovery of the natural herb dates back at Malamulo Medical Missionary School where he did his certificate in physics before he went to International Traditional Medicines council of Malawi for a diploma.
He has worked with Pure Wellness Center in Blantyre as a physician.
He said a one litre bottle is currently going put at K8500.
“A patient is advises to two bottle tops full of the herbs five before the morning, afternoon and the evening meal.” He said adding that the whole treatment takes about six bottles as a maximum.
Mpombeza added that once opened, the bottle should be closes immediately and should not be refrigerated.
Currently, they have on shop in Llong we but they are planing to open branches in Mangochi, Blantyre, Zomba, Mzuzu and Chipata in Zambia.
The herb is currently registered with the International Traditional Medicine Council of Malawi.
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This herb or drug whatever you call it is trash and a scum, aiming to cheat people who don’t question and don’t understand how medicines work. The name itself is ‘wonder’ so you don’t even understand what it is. Secondly it’s use is ‘multipurpose ‘ so you don’t even know what it is for!! The producer is claiming you get 100% positive results after drinking the herb, what does it mean? This is aimed at confusing people . How can 1 herb cure cancer, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, ulcers, kidney disease and ‘help’ with HIV? Those are serious health… Read more »